
Showing posts from March, 2019

Solitude - Massi: Hall of Heroes

I have loved Jeri Massi's fiction for a long time. I always looked forward to her short stories in my BJU Press reading curriculum (grades 4-8, if I remember correctly), and when I was introduced to her longer juvenile and YA fiction, I was hooked. From Derwood, Inc. 's fantastic mattress heist to the stern joy of suffering and maturing in  Valkyries  to her profoundly theological (and trippy)  Dr. Who fan fiction , Massi has inspired me and taught me about aspects of the Christian life that I don't remember learning about anywhere else as a child. Like Ted Dekker, Massi is a prophet: her stories preach, hard. Hall of Heroes  was published in 2013. It was originally intended as the seventh and final book in Massi's wonderful Peabody Adventure Series . After a disagreement with the publisher , Massi rewrote the story to stand alone. It's a novel for kids about what it means to take part in Christ's suffering. That's where solitude comes in. In literature,