What You Expect Matters
Yesterday's post might seem like so many arguments about angels on pinheads. Here's where the rubber meets the road: if you struggle with sin related to (for example) anger, envy, same sex attraction, opposite sex attraction, or substance abuse, what you believe about how God works matters. If you are in a church in the Holiness Movement, chances are that you have heard something to this effect: When you get saved, the "tree" of sin in your heart is chopped down, so it stops bearing fruit (acts of sin), but the "stump" is still there. If the stump is allowed to remain, new shoots of sin will pop up from it occasionally. To walk steadily with God, not falling into sin periodically, God will have to remove the stump by entirely sanctifying you. What you expect to happen when you are entirely sanctified matters. When we use language for inherited depravity like "stump" or "heart of stone," I think there's a danger that people ...