A Better Solution for Injustice
This is the second post in a two-part series about anger and forgiveness. Read Part 1 here . Forgiveness is better than anger at dealing with injustice—though it doesn’t get stuff done in the same way that anger does. Before talking about getting stuff done, here’s what I mean by forgiveness. It’s not pretending or feeling like injustice hasn’t happened, but instead… Forgiveness is turning injustice (like bad debt) over to God (like the collection agency). Forgiving someone doesn’t heal the ways they have wounded you. But it does release you from the further harm of trying to bring about justice yourself. Fixing the injustice is now God's responsibility, not yours. Forgiveness sounds like it would have some drawbacks, doesn’t it? It might not make the intruder leave your little kingdom. It might not prevent future invasions. It might not lead the intruder to pay you back for the ways they’ve hurt you. But I would argue that when you ...