Expensive Healing

One time, Jesus let demons go into pigs when He cast them out. That bugs me. (See this story in Matt. 8:28-9:1; Mark 5:1-21; and Luke 8:26-40 .) The demons begged Him (Matt. 8:31). They recognized that He had the power in this situation. He casts demons out with a word (Matt. 8:16). In this case, the word was "Go" (Matt. 8:32). Why did Jesus let demons drown a herd of pigs? It wasn't a good PR move. The people in the city did not appreciate the dip in their GDP. Jesus was shut out of that region because He let the demons have the pigs (Matt. 8:34). Why did Jesus let the demons have the pigs? Option 1: Jesus hates pigs. Jesus invented pigs. They're very good. Jesus does not hate pigs. Option 2: Jesus doesn't want people to eat pigs, and these were being raised for food. I don't think this is what's going on. God doesn't have a problem with people eating unclean animals (Acts 10:9-16), though He did instruct Jews not to. But this was a ...