
When we think about why God may answer prayer with "wait" or "no," a lot of us hear someone in the background of our minds saying, "Get used to this. God usually doesn't answer prayer." That voice might sound like someone you heard growing up. I think that voice isn't right about God. I want to propose another story about why God might say "wait" or "no." Here's my story: God is consistently working for your highest good. He is doing what is wisest and best. Jesus knows what's best for people, and we're often surprised we don't. How come you're not dancing, bro? That's what's Matthew talks about in chapters 12-13. Those chapters are gloomy reading, mostly because the religious leaders did not know (at best) or did not want (at worst) what was best for people. They didn't realize it, but the way they responded to reality didn't match reality. That's what Jesus means when He s...