
Showing posts from February, 2022

Where Anger Comes From

This post is the first in a series of two on anger and forgiveness. Today, an exploration of where anger comes from. Created in God’s Image to Rule When God created us in His image, He also blessed us with the responsibility and authority to rule over Creation on His behalf and in fellowship with Him (Gen. 1:26-27). Because God gave us that authority, every one of us rules over a little kingdom where we have legitimate authority to choose what happens. For example, you could close this blog post right now. That choice legitimately belongs to you.  Overlapping Kingdoms These little kingdoms can overlap—there can be areas where several people have a legitimate right to choose what happens. When kingdoms overlap, they can do a lot more together than they would alone, whether for good or evil. It’s really good—enjoyable, fruitful, fulfilling—for my little kingdom to be in alignment with my coworkers’ little kingdoms. Voluntarily sharing our resources and having patience for each other’s di